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DNSimple Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement ("SLA") DOES NOT apply to your account, but it is provided for some subscriptions. The SLA is provided by DNSimple to define expectations for availability of the DNSimple services and provide recourse should DNSimple be unable to provide the appropriate level of service as set forth in this SLA for accounts to which this SLA applies. If you'd like to have this SLA for your service, please choose a supported plan.

Effective Date: May 8th, 2015

Authoritative Nameserver Infrastructure Availability

An "Outage" shall be defined by the following event:

  • The DNSimple Authoritative Nameserver Infrastructure did not maintain 99% accessibility. For purposes of this SLA, 99% accessibility shall mean that the DNSimple Authoritative Nameserver Infrastructure shall not fail to respond to DNS queries for more than fifteen (15) minutes out of any twenty-four (24) hour period. For the purposes of this SLA, an Outage is the concurrent loss of all authoritative name servers in the group of systems for DNS resolution.

Downtime due to the following events shall not be considered part of a Service Outage:

  • Unavailability of the Services due to Customer misuse, outside application programming, non-performance or other negligent or unlawful acts by Customer or its agents or suppliers, problems with Customer's registrar, network unavailability outside of the DNSimple Authoritative Nameserver Infrastructure, malicious acts by a third party against Customer or against its authorized agents or suppliers, or events of force majeure.

DNSimple, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether an event will be considered an Outage based upon its records and data.

Authoritative Nameserver Infrastructure Definition

The DNSimple Authoritative Nameserver Infrastructure shall be defined as the group of systems (servers, hardware, and associated software) that are responsible for delivering authoritative domain resolution services for DNSimple customers that host DNS with DNSimple.

Application Programming Interface ("API") Infrastructure Availability

An "Outage" shall be defined as the following event:

  • The DNSimple API did not maintain 99% Availability. For the purposes of this SLA, 99% Availability shall mean that the DNSimple API did not respond to API requests for more than 15 minutes out of any twenty-four (24) hour period.

Downtime due to the following events shall not be considered part of a Service Outage:

  • Unavailability of the Services due to Customer misuse, outside application programming, non-performance or other negligent or unlawful acts by Customer or its agents or suppliers, network unavailability outside of the DNSimple API Infrastructure, malicious acts by a third party against Customer or against its authorized agents or suppliers, or events of force majeure.
  • Regularly Scheduled Maintenance. Regularly Scheduled Maintenance shall be defined as any maintenance performed on the DNSimple API Infrastructure of which Customer is notified 24 hours in advance. Notice of Scheduled Maintenance shall be posted to the DNSimple status page (http://dnsimplestatus.com).

Application Programming Interface Infrastructure Definition

The DNSimple Application Programming Interface Infrastructure shall be defined as the group of systems (servers, hardware, and associated software) that are responsible for handling API requests for DNSimple customers that host DNS and register domain names with DNSimple.


When Customer becomes aware of an Outage, Customer shall open a ticket with DNSimple Support (support@dnsimple.com) within five (5) calendar days. If DNSimple determines in its reasonable commercial judgement that the Outage event did occur and should result in a credit then a 1 month service credit will be applied to the Customer's account.

To qualify for any credit, Customer must have a current and valid subscription to the Service(s) affected, and must have an account in good standing with DNSimple. Credits will not apply to any charges or Services other than the fee for the Services for which this SLA was not met. Customers with subscriptions for more than one Service will not receive credits for unaffected Services. Customer's account shall not be credited more than once per month under this Service Level Agreement. The remedies laid out above shall be the sole and exclusive remedies if DNSimple does not meet the commitments set forth in this Service Level Agreement.

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